What is a Speedball?


A speedball is one of the most potent and dangerous combinations of drugs a person can take. In this blog, we look at exactly what a speedball is and also let you know about treatment for speedball addiction.

For more information on how we treat people with an addiction to speedballs at Liberty Home, contact us at +27 021 300 3455.

The Components of a Speedball

A speedball combines the energizing effects of a stimulant with the sedative properties of a depressant. Cocaine and methamphetamine are the stimulants typically used in speedballs, and work by increasing levels of dopamine in the brain, creating intense feelings of euphoria, increased energy, and heightened alertness. These substances stimulate the central nervous system and lead to rapid heart rate, elevated blood pressure, and increased body temperature.

On the other hand, heroin and morphine, the depressants often used in speedballs, have the opposite effect. They depress the central nervous system, giving users a state of relaxation and euphoria. This interaction slows down bodily functions, leading to reduced heart rate and respiratory rate, as well as feelings of drowsiness and pain relief.

The Combined Effects of a Speedball

When used together, the stimulant and depressant in a speedball create a unique and dangerous high. The stimulant component counters some of the sedative effects of the depressant, allowing users to stay awake and alert despite the depressant’s impact. The depressant in the speedball mitigates some of the jittery, anxious feelings from stimulant use.

This combination is highly unpredictable and often results in death. The opposing effects of the drugs place extreme stress on the body, particularly the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. While the stimulant pushes the body into a heightened state of activity, the depressant slows it down, leading to a tug-of-war effect that can easily overwhelm the body’s ability to maintain homeostasis.

The Risks and Dangers of Speedballing

Now you know what is a speedball, it is important to educate yourself on the dangers. Speedballing comes with many health risks, some of which are life-threatening. The most immediate danger is the increased risk of overdose. Combining stimulants and depressant drugs can mask the effects of each, leading users to take higher and more dangerous doses than they might if using each drug separately. This can lead to fatal overdose.

One of the most severe risks is respiratory failure. While the stimulant keeps the user awake and alert, it does not prevent the depressant from slowing respiratory function. This can result in the user not recognizing signs of respiratory distress, causing severe respiratory depression and potentially fatal outcomes.

Cardiovascular issues are also a risk from speedballing. The opposing effects of stimulants and depressants place massive strain on the heart. This can lead to arrhythmias, heart attacks, and strokes, even in people without preexisting heart conditions.

Repeated exposure to the extreme highs and lows caused by the combination of drugs can result in severe psychological and physical dependence. Users can also develop tolerance to both substances, meaning they take larger doses to achieve the desired effect, which further increases the risk of overdose and other health complications.

Psychological and Behavioural Effects

The psychological effects of speedballing are as severe as the physical risks. The combination of drugs can lead to intense euphoria and a sense of invincibility, but these feelings are often followed by severe mood swings, anxiety, paranoia, and depression. The crash that follows the high can be devastating, leading to a cycle of repeated use to avoid the negative aftereffects.

Speedball users are also at high risk of engaging in unsafe activities. The disinhibition caused by the drugs can lead to risky behaviours, including unsafe sex, needle sharing, and other forms of reckless behaviour. This increases the risk of contracting infectious diseases such as HIV and hepatitis, as well as experiencing traumatic injuries.

Treatment and Recovery

Overcoming an addiction to speedballs is incredibly challenging due to the dual nature of the addiction. Effective treatment requires a comprehensive approach that addresses both the physical and psychological aspects of dependence on both stimulants and depressants.


Detoxification is the first critical step, during which the body is allowed to clear itself of the drugs. This process must be carefully managed by medical professionals, as withdrawal symptoms from both stimulants and depressants are often severe and dangerous.

At Liberty Home, we provide medical detox to all our clients who need it. The withdrawal from speedball users can be particularly severe, but it is made much easier when you are supported by trained professionals who can provide detox medicines that will keep you safe and relatively comfortable.


Following detox, a combination of therapies is typically employed to address the underlying issues contributing to the addiction. Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) is often used to help patients understand and change the thought patterns and behaviours that lead to drug use. Group therapy and support groups provide peer support and shared experiences, which can be crucial in the recovery process.

Medication Assisted Treatment

Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) may also be used, particularly for the opioid component of the addiction. Medications such as methadone, buprenorphine, or naltrexone can help manage withdrawal symptoms and reduce cravings, making it easier for users to get through detox.

Support Groups

Long-term recovery from speedball addiction requires ongoing support and lifestyle changes. Many people benefit from attending support groups such as Narcotics Anonymous, as well as ongoing therapy to address any co-occurring mental health issues and to develop healthy coping mechanisms.

The Romanticization and Reality of Speedballs

Despite the well-documented dangers, speedballs have been romanticized in various subcultures. This romanticization often comes from the intense, almost mystical experiences described by users, who speak of heightened creativity, profound insights, and a unique form of escapism. This allure is particularly potent in artistic and creative communities, where the pursuit of altered states is sometimes seen as a path to greater inspiration.

However, the reality of speedball use is far bleaker. The initial euphoria is followed by severe physical and psychological consequences, including addiction, health complications, and often death. Cultural romanticization can obscure these harsh truths, leading people to underestimate the risks and become ensnared in a cycle of dependence and destruction.

Liberty Home: Treatment for Speedball Addiction

The potent effects and agonizing withdrawals from speedballs mean that getting clean can be particularly challenging. Medical detox and extensive therapy are vital to give a good opportunity for long-term treatment outcomes.

At Liberty Home, our team members all have experience working with those who have been addicted to speedballs, and we understand the difficulties that getting clean from this combination of drugs can present. We believe that our program offers an excellent approach that will help you or your loved one stop using speedballs.

For more information on our method of treating addiction to speedballs, contact us today at +27 021 300 3455.