Eating Disorders

Eating disorders, a broad term, describe a wide range of mental health conditions related to complex relationships between body image, self-esteem, and food. Liberty Home Primary Care Facility, located in Belgium, emerges as a refuge for those entangled in the complexities of eating disorders, offering expert intervention and holistic therapy with compassion and non-judgmental care.

Trauma, anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and other mental health issues can increase the likelihood of an eating disorder.

The Obsessive Patterns Of Dieting And Starvation

Frequent dieting is a risk factor for an eating disorder, especially with weight constantly fluctuating when starting and stopping new diets.

Based on age, teenage girls and young women have the highest risk of developing eating disorders. Individuals who have previously shown concerns about weight and preoccupation with weight, have a history of dieting, and exhibit a negative body image, all display risk factors for developing eating disorders.

Negative body image is prominent in eating disorders because many people with eating disorders place a significant value on their body shape and weight when determining their self-worth. This “overvaluation of shape and weight” is a symptom of some, but not all, eating disorders.

Eating Disorders: A Complex Relationship With Food

Eating disorders go beyond just food and evolve into a challenging relationship with food. Food becomes a means of control, a tool for self-punishment, or an altered source of identity. Triggers related to eating start with cycles of shame and guilt, leading to an ongoing struggle with body image and mental health. A love-hate relationship with food develops.


What Are The Causes Of Anorexia Nervosa?

Deeply rooted in issues of self-esteem and body dysmorphia, Anorexia Nervosa is characterized by an intense fear of weight gain, societal pressure, and an ongoing need for control. Restrictive eating patterns become a coping mechanism for dealing with this internal struggle.

What Are The Effects On The Body?

The consequences of Anorexia Nervosa extend beyond the psychological realm. Severe malnutrition affects vital organs, leading to heart problems, bone loss, hormonal imbalances, and a weakened immune system. The physical consequences highlight the urgency of intervention. Anorexia is a deadly disease. Experts suggest that it is one of the most dangerous illnesses affecting both men and women. Statistically, it affects 90% of women and 10% of men. Early deaths can be attributed to the effects on the body’s organs, specifically the heart.

Recognizing Signs And Supporting Loved Ones

Loved ones become crucial partners in recognizing signs of Anorexia Nervosa, such as extreme weight loss, obsessive calorie counting, and excessive exercise.

Encouraging open communication, expressing concerns, and guiding individuals towards professional help are necessary to start a path to recovery.


What Are The Causes And Triggers?

The cycle of binge eating and purging in bulimia can take a toll on an individual’s physical and mental health, leading to a range of medical complications and emotional distress. Understanding the causes, triggers, and symptoms of bulimia is essential for early recognition and intervention to support those who are struggling with this eating disorder. Professional help and treatment can play a crucial role in breaking the cycle and helping individuals on the path to recovery.

How Bulimia Affects The Body

The physical impact of bulimia has a significant effect on the digestive system, teeth, and overall health. Regular vomiting can lead to electrolyte imbalances, tooth erosion, gastrointestinal problems, and, in severe cases, heart complications. The secretive nature of bulimia often conceals its severity.

Recognizing The Signs And Providing Support

Loved ones can recognize signs of bulimia, including frequent disappearances after meals, hoarding food, and an obsession with body weight. Providing support and guiding individuals toward professional help is vital, emphasizing the empathetic and understanding approach of Liberty Home for eating disorder recovery.


We’ll be honest: overcoming addiction isn’t a stroll through the park. However, our multifaceted programme assures you of optimal guidance and support throughout your recovery. We specialize in various forms of psychological treatment, namely Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).

Trust is what keeps our team and community together. We are ardently focused on helping you achieve a realistic reintegration into your original environment and community. For that, we need you to act. Only talking doesn’t cut it. Re-integration requires commitment, effort, and hard work. If you’re up for it, we promise to support you in every way we can.

“Action is key. Nobody talks themselves into addiction, and we cannot simply talk our way out of it.”

lady with eating disorder